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Version status: Amended | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 9 July 2024 - onwards
Version 3 of 3

Article 101 Ongoing review of the permission to use internal approaches

1. Competent authorities shall review on a regular basis, and at least every 3 years, institutions' compliance with the requirements regarding approaches that require permission by the competent authorities before using such approaches for the calculation of own funds requirements in accordance with Part Three of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013. They shall have particular regard to changes in an institution's business and to the implementation of those approaches to new products. Where material deficiencies are identified in risk capture by an institution's internal approach, competent authorities shall ensure they are rectified or take appropriate steps to mitigate their consequences, including by imposing higher multiplication factors, or imposing capital add-ons, or taking other appropriate and effective measures.

2. The competent authorities shall in particular review and assess whether the institution uses well developed and up-to-date techniques and practices for those approaches.

3. If for a trading desk using an internal market risk model, results of back-testing or the profit and loss attribution test indicate that the model is no longer sufficiently accurate, the competent authorities shall review the conditions for the permission for using the internal model or impose appropriate measures to ensure that the model is improved promptly.