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Published date: 8 July 2016

Call for input to the post-implementation review of the FCA's crowdfunding rules

8 September 2016

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In 2014, new rules came into force for the regulation of crowdfunding platforms operated by firms authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). We committed to carry out a full post-implementation review of the crowdfunding market and regulatory framework in 2016 to identify whether further changes are required.

This paper is our first step in launching the crowdfunding post-implementation review. It is a call for input to invite readers to engage with the review, to offer feedback about the areas we should consider and their thoughts on the sector. In it we summarise some of the market developments we have seen recently and some of our current concerns to help structure the conversation.

We are asking for response to this Call for Input by 8 September 2016.

Call for input to the post-implementation review of the FCA's crowdfunding rules

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