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Version date: 27 May 2019 - onwards
    Version 1 of 1    

Regulation 85 Exchange-traded funds

(1) A responsible person of a UCITS ETF shall ensure that, in its name and in each of the types of document set out in paragraph (2), the relevant UCITS ETF uses the identifier "UCITS ETF" to identify it as an exchange-traded fund.

(2) The types of document to which paragraph (1) refers are, in respect of the particular UCITS ETF -

(a) the constitutional document,

(b) the prospectus,

(c) the KIID, and

(d) marketing communications.

(3) A responsible person of a UCITS ETF shall, in -

(a) the prospectus,

(b) the KIID, and

(c) the marketing communications of the UCITS ETF,

disclose the policy of the UCITS ETF regarding portfolio transparency and where information on the portfolio may be obtained, including where the indicative net asset value, if applicable, is published.

(4) A responsible person of a UCITS ETF, that calculates the indicative net asset value, shall, in its prospectus, disclose -

(a) how the indicative net asset value is calculated, and

(b) the frequency of that calculation

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