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Published date: 29 October 2021

Guidelines on sound remuneration policies under Directive 2013/36/EU (EBA/GL/2021/04) (applicable from 31 December 2021)

Status: Final and translated into the EU official languages
Comparing proposed amendment...
Executive summary
Background and rationale
1. Compliance and reporting obligations (paras. 1-4)
2. Subject matter, scope and definitions (paras. 5-11)
Subject matter (paras. 5-6)
Addressees (para. 7)
Scope of application (paras. 8-10)
Definitions (para. 11)
3. Implementation (paras. 12-13)
Date of application (para. 12)
Repeal (para. 13)
4. Guidelines (paras. 14-320)
Title I Remuneration policies (paras. 14-128)
1. Remuneration policies for all staff (paras. 14-27)
2. Governance of remuneration (paras. 28-74)
3. Remuneration policies and group context (paras. 75-84)
4 Proportionality (paras. 85-97)
5. The identification process (paras. 98-122)
6. Capital base (paras. 123-128)
Title II Structure of remuneration (paras. 129-190)
7. Categories of remuneration (paras. 129-133)
8. Particular cases of remuneration components (paras. 134-154)
9. Exceptional remuneration components (paras. 155-176)
10. Prohibitions (paras. 177-190)
Title III Remuneration of specific functions (paras. 191-197)
11. Remuneration of members of the management and supervisory function of the management body (paras. 191-194)
12. Remuneration of control functions (paras. 195-197)
Title IV Remuneration policy, award and pay out of variable remuneration for identified staff (paras. 198-299)
13. Remuneration policy for identified staff (paras. 198-212)
14. Risk alignment process (paras. 213-253)
15. Pay-out process for variable remuneration (paras. 254-299)
Title V Institutions that benefit from government intervention (paras. 300-307)
16. State support and remuneration (paras. 300-307)
Title VI Competent authorities (paras. 308-320)
17. Remuneration policies (paras. 308-315)
18. Specific forms of remuneration (para. 316)
19. Variable remuneration (para. 317)
20. Disclosures (paras. 318-319)
21. Colleges of supervisors (para. 320)
Annex 1 - Mapping of the Remuneration Requirements Included in Directive 2013/36/EU and Regulation (EU) 575/2013 and Their Scope of Application
Annex 2 - Information with regard to the approval of higher ratios
5. Accompanying documents
5.1 Draft cost-benefit analysis/impact assessment
5.2 Feedback on the public consultation and on the opinion of the Banking Stakeholder Group