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Published date: 20 November 2008

UN Resolution 1844 (2008) - Somalia

Adopted by the Security Council at its 6019th meeting, on 20 November 2008

The Security Council,  

Recalling its previous resolutions concerning the situation in Somalia, in particular resolution 733 (1992), resolution 751 (1992), resolution 1356 (2001), resolution 1425 (2002), resolution 1519 (2003), resolution 1676 (2006), resolution 1725 (2006), resolution 1744 (2007), resolution 1772 (2007), resolution 1801 (2008), resolution 1811 (2008), and resolution 1814 (2008), and the statements of its President, in particular those of 13 July 2006 (S/PRST/2006/31), 22 December 2006 (S/PRST/2006/59), 30 April 2007 (S/PRST/2007/13), and 14 June 2007 (S/PRST/2007/19), and recalling also its resolution 1730 (2006) on general issues relating to sanctions, 

Reaffirming its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia,  

Underlining the importance of providing and maintaining stability and security throughout Somalia,  

Reaffirming its condemnation of all acts of violence in Somalia and incitement to violence inside Somalia, and expressing its concern at all acts intended to prevent or block a peaceful political process,