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Published date: 31 October 2005

UN Resolution 1636 (2005) - Middle East

Distr.: General
31 October 2005

Adopted by the Security Council at its 5297th meeting, on 31 October 2005

The Security Council,

Reaffirming all its previous relevant resolutions, in particular resolutions 1595 (2005) of 7 April 2005, 1373 (2001) of 28 September 2001, and 1566 (2004) of 8 October 2004,

Reiterating its call for the strict respect of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, unity and political independence of Lebanon under the sole and exclusive authority of the Government of Lebanon,

Reaffirming that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to peace and security,

Having examined carefully the report of the international independent investigation Commission (S/2005/662) ("the Commission") concerning its investigation into the 14 February 2005 terrorist bombing in Beirut, Lebanon, that killed former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri and 22 others, and caused injury to dozens of people,

Commending the Commission for the outstanding professional work it has accomplished under difficult circumstances in assisting the Lebanese authorities in their investigation of all aspects of this terrorist act, and taking note of the Commission’s conclusion that the investigation is not yet complete,

Commending States which have provided assistance to the Commission in the discharge of its duties,

Commending also the Lebanese authorities for the full cooperation they have provided to the Commission in the discharge of its duties, in accordance with paragraph 3 of resolution 1595 (2005),