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Published date: 3 March 2015

UN Resolution 2206 (2015) - Reports of the Secretary-General on South Sudan

Adopted by the Security Council at its 7396th meeting, on 3 March 2015

The Security Council

Recalling its previous resolutions and statements on South Sudan, in particular resolutions 2057 (2012), 2109 (2013), 2132 (2013), 2155 (2014) and 2187 (2014),  

Expressing grave alarm and concern regarding the conflict between the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and opposition forces since December 2013 which emanated from internal political disputes among the country’s political and military leaders, 

Deeply concerned that the conflict has resulted in great human suffering, including significant loss of life, displacement of two million people, and the loss of property, further impoverishing and disadvantaging the people of South Sudan,