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Published date: 30 September 2011

UN Resolution 2010 (2011) - Somalia

Adopted by the Security Council at its 6626th meeting,  on 30 September 2011

The Security Council

Recalling all its previous resolutions and statements of its President concerning the situation in Somalia, protection of civilians in armed conflict, women and peace and security, and children and armed conflict,  

Reaffirming its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia,  

Reiterating its commitment to a comprehensive and lasting settlement of the situation in Somalia,  

Reiterating its full support for the Djibouti Peace Process and the Transitional Federal Charter which provide the framework for reaching a lasting political solution in Somalia, recognizing the need to promote reconciliation and dialogue among the Somali population, and stressing the importance of broad-based and representative institutions reached through a political process ultimately inclusive of all,  

Reaffirming its support for the Transitional Federal Government in its role as part of the Djibouti Peace Process, stressing the primary responsibility of the Transitional Federal Institutions to work in a cohesive and united manner and to intensify their efforts to complete the transitional tasks set out by the Djibouti Agreement and the Transitional Charter, and calling on the Transitional Federal Institutions to coordinate closely with other Somali groups, including local and regional administrations, 

Reiterating its emphasis on the need for a comprehensive strategy to encourage the establishment of peace and security in Somalia through the collaborative effort of all stakeholders,