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Published date: 23 July 2024

Summary of the June 2024 joint CMAC-GPF meeting

Representatives from the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) met with both the Capital Markets Advisory Council (CMAC) and Global Preparers Forum (GPF) on 13–14 June 2024 by video conference call and in the IFRS Foundation's office in London. A meeting summary from the joint meeting have now been released.

The topics discussed at the meeting included:

  • Intangible assets

  • Statement of cash flows and related matters

  • IFRS 19 update

  • Exposure Draft Business Combinations — Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment

  • Exposure Draft Contracts for Renewable Electricity

For more information, see the meeting page and the meeting summary on the IFRS Foundation's website.