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Status: Published
Version date: 31 December 2020
  Version 2 of 2    

distributable items

means the amount of the profits at the end of the last financial year plus any profits brought forward and reserves available for that purpose, before distributions to holders of own funds instruments, less any losses brought forward, any profits which are non-distributable pursuant to the law of the United Kingdom, or any part of it, or of a third country or the institution's by-laws and any sums placed in non-distri­butable reserves in accordance with the law of the United Kingdom, or any part of it, or of a third country or the statutes of the institution, in each case with respect to the specific category of own funds instruments to which the law of the United Kingdom, or any part of it, or of a third country, institution's by-laws, or statutes relate; such profits, losses and reserves being determined on the basis of the individual accounts of the institution and not on the basis of the consolidated accounts

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