1. Definitions.
In this Act -
"Anglo Irish Bank" means the company known before its re-registration by virtue of section 6 as Anglo Irish Bank Corporation Public Limited Company and, after that re-registration, as Anglo Irish Bank Corporation Limited;
"articles" means articles of association;
"Assessor" means the person appointed under section 22;
"Central Bank" means the Central Bank of Ireland;
"commercially sensitive information" means information the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to - (a) materially prejudice the commercial or industrial interests of a person or of a group or class of persons, or (b) prejudice the competitive position of a person in the conduct of the person's business, profession or occupation;
"credit institution" has the same meaning as in the Central Bank Act 1997;
"extinguished rights" means rights extinguished by section 10(1) in or in relation to Anglo Irish Bank;