Table of Contents
Directive 73/239/EEC - First Non-Life DirectiveRecitalsTitle I General provisions (arts. 1-5)Article 1Article 2Article 3Article 4Article 5Title II Rules applicable to undertakings whose head offices are situated within the Community (arts. 6-22)Section A: Conditions of admission (arts. 6-12)Article 6Article 7Article 8Article 9Article 10Article 11Article 12Article 12aSection B: Conditions for exercise of business (arts. 13-21)Article 13Article 14Article 15Article 15aArticle 16Article 16aArticle 17Article 17aArticle 17bArticle 18Article 19Article 20Article 20aArticle 21Section C: Withdrawal of authorization (art. 22)Article 22Title III A Rules applicable to agencies or branches established within the Community and belonging to undertakings whose head offices are outside the Community (arts. 23-29)Article 23Article 24Article 25Article 26Article 27Article 28Article 28aArticle 29Title III B Rules applicable to subsidiaries of parent undertakings governed by the laws of a third country and to acquisitions of holdings by such parent undertakings (arts. 29a-29b)Article 29aArticle 29bTitle IV Transitional and other provisions (arts. 30-32)Article 30Article 31Article 32Title V Final provisions (arts. 33-38)Article 33Article 34Article 35Article 36Article 37Article 38AnnexDone at
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Version status: Repealed | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Published date: 16 August 1973