Article 6 Material extensions and changes to the AMA
1. Extensions and changes to the AMA shall be considered material, if they fulfil any of the following conditions:
(a) they fall under any extensions described in Annex II, Part I, Section 1;
(b) they fall under any changes described in Annex II, Part II, Section 1;
(c) they result in either of the following:
(i) in a decrease of 10 % or more of either of the following:
- the overall EU parent institution's consolidated own funds requirements for operational risk,
- the overall own funds requirements for operational risk in the case of an institution which is neither a parent institution, nor a subsidiary;
(ii) in a decrease of 10 % or more of either of the following:
- the overall own funds requirements for operational risk at the consolidated level of a parent institution which is not an EU parent institution,
- the overall own funds requirements for operational risk of a subsidiary where the parent institution has not received the permission to use the AMA.
2. For the purposes of paragraph (1)(c)(i), and in accordance with Article 3(2), the impact of any extension or change shall be assessed as a ratio calculated as follows: