Article 44 Consolidated report on payments to governments
1. A Member State shall require any large undertaking or any public-interest entity active in the extractive industry or the logging of primary forests and governed by its national law to draw up a consolidated report on payments to governments in accordance with Articles 42 and 43 if that parent undertaking is under the obligation to prepare consolidated financial statements as laid down in Article 22(1) to (6).
A parent undertaking is considered to be active in the extractive industry or the logging of primary forests if any of its subsidiary undertakings are active in the extractive industry or the logging of primary forests.
The consolidated report shall only include payments resulting from extractive operations and/or operations relating to the logging of primary forests.
2. The obligation to draw up the consolidated report referred to in paragraph 1 shall not apply to:
(a) a parent undertaking of a small group, as defined in Article 3(5), except where any affiliated undertaking is a public-interest entity;
(b) a parent undertaking of a medium-sized group, as defined in Article 3(6), except where any affiliated undertaking is a public-interest entity; and