Article 72 Tasks and rights of the coordinator
1. The coordinator shall:
(a) identify and outline recommendations for the coordinated conduct of the insolvency proceedings;
(b) propose a group coordination plan that identifies, describes and recommends a comprehensive set of measures appropriate to an integrated approach to the resolution of the group members' insolvencies. In particular, the plan may contain proposals for:
(i) the measures to be taken in order to re-establish the economic performance and the financial soundness of the group or any part of it;
(ii) the settlement of intra-group disputes as regards intra-group transactions and avoidance actions;
(iii) agreements between the insolvency practitioners of the insolvent group members.
2. The coordinator may also:
(a) be heard and participate, in particular by attending creditors' meetings, in any of the proceedings opened in respect of any member of the group;
(b) mediate any dispute arising between two or more insolvency practitioners of group members;
(c) present and explain his or her group coordination plan to the persons or bodies that he or she is to report to under his or her national law;