Article 13 Transparency report
1. A statutory auditor or an audit firm that carries out statutory audits of public-interest entities shall make public an annual transparency report at the latest four months after the end of each financial year. That transparency report shall be published on the website of the statutory auditor or the audit firm and shall remain available on that website for at least five years from the day of its publication on the website. If the statutory auditor is employed by an audit firm, the obligations under this Article shall be incumbent on the audit firm.
A statutory auditor or an audit firm shall be allowed to update its published annual transparency report. In such a case, the statutory auditor or the audit firm shall indicate that it is an updated version of the report and the original version of the report shall continue to remain available on the website.
Statutory auditors and audit firms shall communicate to the competent authorities that the transparency report has been published on the website of the statutory auditor or the audit firm or, as appropriate, that it has been updated.
2. The annual transparency report shall include at least the following: