Table of Contents
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/98 of 16 October 2015 supplementing Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards for specifying the general conditions for the functioning of colleges of supervisors (Text with EEA relevance)RecitalsChapter 1 General provisions (art. 1)Article 1 Subject matterChapter 2 Conditions regarding the functioning of colleges formed in accordance with Article 116 of Directive 2013/36/EU (arts. 2-22)Section 1 Establishment and functioning of colleges (arts. 2-8)Article 2 Establishment of the mapping of a group of institutionsArticle 3 Designation of the members and observers of a collegeArticle 4 Communication of the setting up and composition of a collegeArticle 5 Establishment of the written coordination and cooperation arrangementsArticle 6 Participation in college meetings and activitiesArticle 7 Entrustment of tasks and delegation of responsibilitiesArticle 8 Exchange of information between college members and a group of institutionsSection 2 Planning and coordination of supervisory activities in going concern situations (arts. 9-16)Article 9 General conditions with regard to exchange of information between the consolidating supervisor and college membersArticle 10 Information exchange for performing group risk assessments and reaching joint decisionsArticle 11 Information exchange with regard to the ongoing review of the permission to use internal approaches and non-material extensions or changes in internal modelsArticle 12 Information exchange on early warning signs, potential risks and vulnerabilitiesArticle 13 Information exchange with regard to non-compliance and sanctionsArticle 14 Information exchange for the assessment of the group recovery planArticle 15 Information exchange with regard to group financial support agreementsArticle 16 Establishment and update of the college supervisory examination programmeSection 3 Planning and coordination of supervisory activities in preparation for and during emergency situations (arts. 17-22)Article 17 Establishment of a college framework for emergency situationsArticle 18 General conditions with regard to exchange of information during an emergency situationArticle 19 Coordination of the supervisory assessment of an emergency situationArticle 20 Coordination of the supervisory response to an emergency situationArticle 21 Monitoring of the implementation of the coordinated supervisory response to an emergency situationArticle 22 Coordination of external communication in an emergency situationChapter 3 Conditions regarding the functioning of colleges formed in accordance with Article 51(3) of Directive 2013/36/EU (arts. 23-38)Section 1 Establishment and functioning of colleges (arts. 23-27)Article 23 Designation of the members and observers of a collegeArticle 24 Communication of the setting up and composition of a collegeArticle 25 Establishment of the written coordination and cooperation arrangementsArticle 26 Participation in college meetings and activitiesArticle 27 Conditions for communicationSection 2 Planning and coordination of supervisory activities in going concern situations (arts. 28-31)Article 28 General conditions with regard to exchange of information between the competent authorities of the home Member State and college membersArticle 29 Information exchange for the outcome of the supervisory review and evaluation processArticle 30 Information exchange for the assessment of the recovery planArticle 31 Establishment and update of the college supervisory examination programmeSection 3 Planning and coordination of supervisory activities in preparation for and during emergency situations and final provisions (arts. 32-38)Article 32 Establishment of a college framework for emergency situationsArticle 33 General conditions with regard to exchange of information during an emergency situationArticle 34 Coordination of the supervisory assessment of an emergency situationArticle 35 Coordination of the supervisory response to an emergency situationArticle 36 Monitoring of the implementation of the coordinated supervisory response to an emergency situationArticle 37 Coordination of external communication in an emergency situationArticle 38 Entry into forceDone at
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Published date: 28 January 2016