30. Register of members and officers
(1) A registered society must keep a register of members and officers ("the register") at its registered office.
(2) The following information must be entered on the register in relation to each member -
(a) the member's name and postal address;
(b) where the member has notified the society of an electronic address for the purposes of receiving notices or documents under this Act, the electronic address and the purposes for which it has been notified;
(c) the number of shares held by the member and the amount paid or agreed to be considered as paid on the shares;
(d) a statement of other property in the society held by the member (whether in loans, deposits or otherwise);
(e) the date the person was entered on the register as a member;
(f) (where applicable) the date the person ceased to be a member.
(3) The following information must be entered on the register in relation to each officer -