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Version status: Not yet in force | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 26 November 2008 - onwards
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24. Post-charge questioning: Northern Ireland

(1) The following provisions apply in Northern Ireland.

(2) A district judge (magistrates' courts) may authorise the questioning of a person about an offence -

(a) after the person has been charged with the offence or been officially informed that they may be prosecuted for it, or

(b) after the person has been committed for trial for the offence,

if the offence is a terrorism offence.

(3) The judge -

(a) must specify the period during which questioning is authorised, and

(b) may impose such conditions as appear to the judge to be necessary in the interests of justice, which may include conditions as to the place where the questioning is to be carried out.

(4) The period during which questioning is authorised -

(a) begins when questioning pursuant to the authorisation begins and runs continuously from that time (whether or not questioning continues), and

(b) must not exceed 48 hours.

This is without prejudice to any application for a further authorisation under this section.

(5) Where t

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