Rule 7 The hearing of the application
(1) When the claim form is issued, the court will fix a date for the first hearing of the claim which shall not be less than 8 weeks from the date of issue of the claim form.
(2) The hearing shall in the first instance be before the registrar in open court.
(3) The registrar shall either determine the case on the date fixed or adjourn it.
(4) The registrar shall adjourn the case for further consideration if -
(a) he forms the provisional opinion that a disqualification order ought to be made, and that a period of disqualification longer than 5 years is appropriate, or
(b) he is of opinion that questions of law or fact arise which are not suitable for summary determination.
(5) If the registrar adjourns the case for further consideration he shall -
(a) direct whether the case is to be heard by a registrar or, if he thinks it appropriate, by the judge, for determination by him;
(b) state the reasons for the adjournment; and
(c) give directions as to the following matters -
(i) the manner in which and the time within which notice of the adjournment and the reasons for it are to be given to the defendant,