Schedule 1, Part I Matters of which particulars are to be included in the case of any transfer
1. A factual statement of the options for the future conduct of the society's business considered by the society's board in deciding to recommend the transfer to the members and of the reasons why the board recommended the transfer on the terms proposed.
2. The consequences of the transfer -
(a) for shareholding members of the society;
(b) for borrowing members of the society; and
(c) for employees of the society.
3. The name, head office address and principal objects of the successor company.
4. The audited financial position of the society and its connected undertakings at the most recent reasonably practicable date and in any case not more than six months prior to the date of the transfer statement and of any material change in that position since that date.
5. The main features of the financial record of the society and its connected undertakings for each of the last three financial years in respect of which audited information relating to that record has been published.