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Version status: Repealed | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 27 October 2009 - onwards
  Version 5 of 5    

Article 2

Repealed from 27 October 2009

1. Member States shall refrain from making checks on insurance against civil liability in respect of vehicles normally based in the territory of another Member State and in respect of vehicles normally based in the territory of a third country entering their territory from the territory of another Member State. However, they may carry out non-systematic checks on insurance provided that they are not discriminatory and are carried out as part of a control which is not aimed exclusively at insurance verification.

2. As regards vehicles normally based in the territory of a Member State, the provisions of this Directive, with the exception of Articles 3 and 4, shall take effect:

- after an agreement has been concluded between the nine national insurers' bureaux under the terms of which each national bureau guarantees the settlement, in accordance with the provisions of national law on compulsory insurance, of claims in respect of accidents occurring in its territory, caused by vehicle

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