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Version status: Repealed | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 26 July 2001 - onwards
  Version 3 of 3    

Article 20

Repealed from 26 July 2001

1. Listing particulars must be published either:

- by insertion in one or more newspapers circulated throughout the Member State in which the admission to official listing of securities is sought, or widely circulated therein, or

- in the form of a brochure to be made available, free of charge, to the public at the offices of the stock exchange or stock exchanges on which the securities are being admitted to official listing, at the registered office of the issuer and at the offices of the financial organizations retained to act as the latter's paying agents in the Member State in which the admission of securities to official listing is sought.

2. In addition, either the complete listing particulars or a notice stating where the listing particulars have been published and where they may be obtained by the public must be inserted in a publication designated by the Member State in which the admission of securities to official listing is sought.

Comparing proposed amendment...