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Version status: Repealed | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 1 January 2016 - onwards
  Version 3 of 3    

Article 6

Repealed from 1 January 2016

Article 8 of Directive 72/239/EEC shall be replaced by the following:

'Article 8

1. The home Member State shall require every insurance undertaking for which authorization is sought to:

(a) adopt one of the following forms:

- in the case of the Kingdom of Belgium: "société anonyme/naamloze vennootschap", "société en commandite par actions/commanditaire vennootschap op aandelen", "association d'assurance mutuelle/onderlinge verzekeringsvereniging", "société coopérative/cooeperatieve vennootschap";

- in the case of the Kingdom of Denmark: "aktieselskaber", "gensidige selskaber";

- in the case of the Federal Republic of Germany: "Aktiengesellschaft", "Versicherungsverein auf Gegenseitigkeit", "OEffentlich-rechtliches Wettbewerbsversicherungsunternehmen";

- in the case of the French Republic: "société anonyme", "société d'assurance mutuelle", "institution de prévoyance régie par le code de la sécurité sociale", "institution de prévoyance régie par le code rural" and "

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