Article 2 Definitions
1. For the purposes of this Directive:
(a) "takeover bid" or "bid" shall mean a public offer (other than by the offeree company itself) made to the holders of the securities of a company to acquire all or some of those securities, whether mandatory or voluntary, which follows or has as its objective the acquisition of control of the offeree company in accordance with national law;
(b) "offeree company" shall mean a company, the securities of which are the subject of a bid;
(c) "offeror" shall mean any natural or legal person governed by public or private law making a bid;
(d) "persons acting in concert" shall mean natural or legal persons who cooperate with the offeror or the offeree company on the basis of an agreement, either express or tacit, either oral or written, aimed either at acquiring control of the offeree company or at frustrating the successful outcome of a bid;
(e) "securities" shall mean transferable securities carrying voting rights in a company;