Table of Contents
North Korea (United Nations Sanctions) Order 2009 [SI 2009 No. 1749]Introductory TextArticle 1 Citation, commencement, operation and extentArticle 2 InterpretationArticle 3 Use of ships, aircraft and vehicles: carriage of goods to North KoreaArticle 4 Procurement of military goods or WMD goods from North KoreaArticle 5 Use of ships, aircraft and vehicles: carriage of goods from North KoreaArticle 6 Services to shipsArticle 6A Leasing, chartering or provision of crew servicesArticle 6B Registration of shipsArticle 6C Access to portsArticle 6DArticle 7 Offences in connection with applications for licences, conditions attaching to licences, etc.Article 8 Investigation of suspect ships - powers exerciseable by authorised officersArticle 8A Authority to other states in relation to United Kingdom registered shipsArticle 8B Exercise of powers in territorial sea of other statesArticle 8C Seizure of goods on foreign ships in international watersArticle 8D Seizure of goods on ships without nationality in international watersArticle 9 Investigation, etc. of suspected aircraftArticle 10 Investigation, etc. of suspected vehiclesArticle 11 Provisions supplementary to articles 9 and 10 and Schedule 3Article 12 Obtaining of evidence and informationArticle 13 Customs InvestigationsArticle 14 Penalties and proceedingsArticle 15 Exercise of the powers of the Secretary of StateSchedule 1 Disclosure of information - Listed territoriesSchedule 2 Evidence and informationSchedule 3 Enforcement powers in respect of shipsSchedule 3, Part 1 The Powers (paras. 1-8)Schedule 3, Part 2 Judicial authorisation (paras. 9-14)Schedule 3, Part 3 Offences (para. 15)Schedule 4 Lists of WMD goods prohibited from being supplied to or procured from North Korea pursuant to Security Council resolution 1718 (2006), Security Council resolution 2087 (2013) and Security Council resolution 2270 (2016)SignatureExplanatory NoteExplanatory Memorandum
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Published date: 8 July 2009