Schedule 2 Credit Reference Agency Files Partnerships and other Unincorporated Bodies
Your Rights Under Section 159 Of The Consumer Credit Act 1974 If You Think Any Entry In Your File Is Wrong
This statement of your rights is provided by [insert the name of the credit reference agency issuing the statement. ] together with all the information we hold about you on our files. Our postal address is [insert the credit reference agency’s postal address.].
Your rights are as follows -
If you think that any of the information we have sent you is wrong and that you are likely to suffer because it is wrong, you can ask us to correct it or remove it from our file.
You need to write to us telling us what you want us to do. You should explain why you think the information is wrong.
If you write to us, we have to reply in writing within 28 days.
Our reply will tell you whether we have corrected the information, removed it from our file or done nothing. If we tell you that we have corrected the information, you will get a copy.
If our reply says that we have done nothing, or if we fail to reply within 28 days, or if we correct the information but you are not happy with the correction, you can write your own note of correction and ask for it to be included on our file.
To do this, you will need to write to us within 28 days of receiving our reply. If you did not get a reply from us and you want the information we sent you to be corrected, you will need to write to us within 8 weeks of the letter you wrote to us in which you asked us to correct the information or remove it from our file.
Your letter will need to -