Table of Contents
European Communities Act 1972 (c. 68)Introductory TextPart I General Provisions (ss. 1-3)1. Short title and interpretation2. General implementation of Treaties3. Decisions on, and proof of, Treaties and EU instruments etc.Part II Amendment of Law (ss. 4-12)4. General provision for repeal and amendment5. Customs duties6. The common agricultural policy7. Sugar8. Cinematograph films9. Companies10. Restrictive trade practices11. EU offences12. Furnishing of information to EUSchedule 1 Definitions relating to EUSchedule 1, Part I The Pre-Accession TreatiesSchedule 1, Part II Other DefinitionsSchedule 2 Provisions as to Subordinate LegislationSchedule 3 RepealsSchedule 3, Part I Customs TariffSchedule 3, Part II SugarSchedule 3, Part III SeedsSchedule 3, Part IV MiscellaneousSchedule 4 Enactments AmendedSchedule 4, A: Customs Duties (paras. 1-2)Schedule 4, B: Food (para. 3)Schedule 4, C: Grading etc. of Horticultural Produce (para. 4)Schedule 4, D: Seeds and other Propagating Material (para. 5)Schedule 4, E: Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs (para. 6)Schedule 4, F: Animal Health (para. 7)Schedule 4, G: Plant Health (para. 8)Schedule 4, H: Road Vehicles (Driving under Age, and Drivers' Hours) (para. 9)Schedule 4, I: Road Transport (International Passenger Services) (para. 10)
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Version status: Repealed | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Published date: 17 October 1972