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Version date: 6 April 2015 - onwards
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Schedule 4, Part 1 The required balance sheet formats (para. 1)

Omitted from 6 April 2015

Regulation 6(1)


(1) A company may deliver to the registrar a copy of the balance sheet showing the items listed in either of the balance sheet formats set out below, in the order and under the headings and sub-headings given in the format adopted, but in other respects corresponding to the full balance sheet.

(2) The copy balance sheet must contain in a prominent position a statement that it has been prepared in accordance with the provisions applicable to companies subject to the small companies regime.

Balance sheet formats

Format 1

A. Called up share capital not paid

B. Fixed assets

I. Intangible assets

II. Tangible assets

III. Investments

C. Current assets

I. Stocks

II. Debtors (1)

III. Investments

IV. Cash at bank and in hand

D. Prepayments and accrued income

E. Creditors: amounts falling due within one year

F. Net current assets (liabilities)

G. Total assets less current liabilities

H. Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year

I. Provisions for liabilities


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