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Version date: 24 May 2024 - onwards
  Version 5 of 5    

Schedule 4, Part 1 General (paras. 1-8)

Sections 14 and 15

Decisions of the Tribunal


(1) A decision of the Tribunal in any proceedings before it must-

(a) state the reasons for the decision;

(aa) state whether the decision was unanimous or taken by a majority or, where proceedings are heard by a chairman only, state that fact;

(b) be recorded in a document signed and dated by the chairman of the Tribunal dealing with the proceedings.

(2) In preparing that document the Tribunal shall have regard to the need for excluding, so far as practicable-

(a) information the disclosure of which would in its opinion be contrary to the public interest;

(b) commercial information the disclosure of which would or might, in its opinion, significantly harm the legitimate business interests of the undertaking to which it relates;

(c) information relating to the private affairs of an individual the disclosure of which would, or might, in its opinion, significantly harm his interests.

(3) But the Tribunal shall also have regard to the extent t

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