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Version date: 8 May 2007 - onwards
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6. Amendment of Short Titles Act 1962.

The Short Titles Act 1962 is amended -

(a) in the First Schedule by substituting "1639 15 Chas. 1. c. 3" for "1639 15 Chas. 1. sess. 2. c. 3" in the first column,

(b) in the Second Schedule -

(i) in Part I -

(I) by substituting "Statutes of uncertain date. Les Estatuz del Eschekere, provisions Distr'. sc'cii. between cc. 13 and 14" for "1266 51 Hen. 3 (Statutes of the Exchequer; date uncertain). sts. 4, 5" in the first column, and

(II) by substituting "Statute of the Exchequer (Distress)" for "Distress Act, 1266" in the third column,

(ii) in Part IV -

(I) by substituting "Stat. d'ni R. de t'ris, & c." for "(Statute of Westminster the Third). cc. 1, 2." in the first column opposite the reference to "Statute Quia Emptores, 1290" in the third column, and

(II) by substituting "25 Edw. 1 (Magna Carta). c. 7" for "25 Edw. 1. c. 7" in the first column,


(iii) in Part VI in respect of the session and chapter reference "25 Edw. 1. c. 16" in the first column and the short title in the thi

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