Article 8a Exchange of confidential statistical information between the ESCB and the ESS
1. Without prejudice to national provisions on the exchange of confidential statistical information other than information covered in this Regulation, the transmission of confidential statistical information between an ESCB member that collected the information and an ESS authority may take place provided that this transmission is necessary for the efficient development, production or dissemination, or for increasing the quality, of European statistics within the respective spheres of competence of the ESS and the ESCB and that this necessity has been justified.
2. Any further transmission beyond the first transmission must be explicitly authorised by the authority that collected the information.
3. The confidential statistical information which is transmitted between an ESS authority and an ESCB member shall not be used for purposes that are not exclusively statistical, such as for administrative or tax purposes or legal proceedings or for the purposes referred to in Articles 6 and 7.