Superseded by IFRS 16: Leases for annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019. Earlier application is permitted for entities that apply IFRS 15: Revenue from Contracts with Customers at or before the date of initial application of this Standard.
4 The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified:
A lease is an agreement whereby the lessor conveys to the lessee in return for a payment or series of payments the right to use an asset for an agreed period of time.
A finance lease is a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an asset. Title may or may not eventually be transferred.
An operating lease is a lease other than a finance lease.
A non-cancellable lease is a lease that is cancellable only: (a) upon the occurrence of some remote contingency; (b) with the permission of the lessor; (c) if the lessee enters into a new lease for the same or an equivalent asset with the same lessor; or