Issue (paras. 1-2)
Superseded by IFRS 16: Leases for annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019. Earlier application is permitted for entities that apply IFRS 15: Revenue from Contracts with Customers at or before the date of initial application of this Standard.
1 An Entity may enter into a transaction or a series of structured transactions (an arrangement) with an unrelated party or parties (an Investor) that involves the legal form of a lease. For example, an Entity may lease assets to an Investor and lease the same assets back, or alternatively, legally sell assets and lease the same assets back. The form of each arrangement and its terms and conditions can vary significantly. In the lease and leaseback example, it may be that the arrangement is designed to achieve a tax advantage for the Investor that is shared with the Entity in the form of a fee, and not to convey the right to use an asset.
2 When an arrangement with an Investor involves the legal form of a lease, the issues are:
(a) how to determine whether a series of transactions is linked and should be accounted for as one transaction;
(b) whether the arrangement meets the definition of a lease under IAS 17; and, if not,
(i) whether a separate investment account and lease payment obligations that might exist represent assets and liabilities of the Entity (eg consider the example described in paragraph A2(a) of the guidance accompanying the Interpretation);