Introduction (para. BC1) |
Background (paragraphs 1–3) (paras. BC2-BC8) |
Terminology (para. BC8) |
Scope (paragraphs 4–9) (paras. BC9-BC19) |
Treatment of the operator's rights over the infrastructure (paragraph 11) (paras. BC20-BC29) |
Recognition and measurement of arrangement consideration (paragraphs 12 and 13) (paras. BC30-BC35) |
Consideration given by the grantor to the operator (paragraphs 14–19) (paras. BC36-BC54) |
Contractual obligations to restore the infrastructure to a specified level of serviceability (paragraph 21) (paras. BC55-BC56) |
Borrowing costs (paragraph 22) (paras. BC57-BC59) |
Financial asset (paragraphs 23–25) (paras. BC60-BC62) |
Intangible asset (paragraph 26) (paras. BC63-BC68) |
Items provided to the operator by the grantor (paragraph 27) (paras. BC69-BC71) |
Transition (paragraphs 29 and 30) (paras. BC72-BC75) |
Amendments to IFRS 1 (para. BC76) |
Summary of changes from the draft Interpretations (para. BC77) |