11. Duty to report adverse incidents.
(1) A State authority shall -
(a) report any adverse incident to the Agency as soon as may be,
(b) furnish to the Agency in relation to any such incident such information as such an authority considers relevant and such other information (if any) as the Agency considers relevant and specifies to such an authority,
(c) in relation to any such incident preserve and, if appropriate, furnish to the Agency such evidence as such an authority considers relevant and such other evidence (if any) as the Agency considers relevant and specifies to such an authority, and
(d) permit the Agency or any other person on behalf of the Agency to investigate any such incident in such manner and to such extent as the Agency considers appropriate.
(2) In this section ''adverse incident'' means any act, omission or other matter in relation to which a delegated claim has been made, or may, in the opinion of the State authority concerned, be made.