Table of Contents
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/389 of 27 November 2017 supplementing Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards for strong customer authentication and common and secure open standards of communication (SCA-RTS) (Text with EEA relevance)RecitalsChapter I General provisions (arts. 1-3)Article 1 Subject matterArticle 2 General authentication requirementsArticle 3 Review of the security measuresChapter II Security measures for the application of strong customer authentication (arts. 4-9)Article 4 Authentication codeArticle 5 Dynamic linkingArticle 6 Requirements of the elements categorised as knowledgeArticle 7 Requirements of the elements categorised as possessionArticle 8 Requirements of devices and software linked to elements categorised as inherenceArticle 9 Independence of the elementsChapter III Exemptions from strong customer authentication (arts. 10-21)Article 10 Access to the payment account information directly with the account servicing payment service providerArticle 10a Access to the payment account information through an account information service providerArticle 11 Contactless payments at point of saleArticle 12 Unattended terminals for transport fares and parking feesArticle 13 Trusted beneficiariesArticle 14 Recurring transactionsArticle 15 Credit transfers between accounts held by the same natural or legal personArticle 16 Low-value transactionsArticle 17 Secure corporate payment processes and protocolsArticle 18 Transaction risk analysisArticle 19 Calculation of fraud ratesArticle 20 Cessation of exemptions based on transaction risk analysisArticle 21 MonitoringChapter IV Confidentiality and integrity of the payment service users' personalised security credentials (arts. 22-27)Article 22 General requirementsArticle 23 Creation and transmission of credentialsArticle 24 Association with the payment service userArticle 25 Delivery of credentials, authentication devices and softwareArticle 26 Renewal of personalised security credentialsArticle 27 Destruction, deactivation and revocationChapter V Common and secure open standards of communication (arts. 28-36)Section 1 General requirements f or communication (arts. 28-29)Article 28 Requirements for identificationArticle 29 TraceabilitySection 2 Specific requirements for the common and secure open standards of communication (arts. 30-36)Article 30 General obligations for access interfacesArticle 31 Access interface optionsArticle 32 Obligations for a dedicated interfaceArticle 33 Contingency measures for a dedicated interfaceArticle 34 CertificatesArticle 35 Security of communication sessionArticle 36 Data exchangesChapter VI Final provisions (arts. 37-38)Article 37 ReviewArticle 38 Entry into forceAnnexDone at
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Published date: 13 March 2018