Annex B Feedback statement
Process: IOSCO’s April Consultation Report, published on 16th April 2013, provided for a one month consultation period on the issues presented in the report. The consultation closed on 16th May 2013.
Respondents: 40 responses were received, of which 9 came from industry associations and trade bodies, 10 from Benchmark Administrators, 7 from exchanges and clearing houses, 5 from buy side firms and 2 from authorities.
Questions: The Consultation report asked the four questions below:
1. Equity indices: Indices may be used to measure a wide range of underlying Interests, using a variety of calculation methodologies and inputs. In the specific case of equity indices, inputs are typically based on transactions concluded on Regulated Markets. In light of this: are there any Principles or parts of the Principles that cannot, or should not, be applied to equity indices? If so, please identify these Principles and explain why their application is inappropriate.
2. Additional measures to address risks resulting from Submission-based Benchmarks or ownership or control structures: Additional measures have been specified within certain Principles to address specific risks arising from a reliance on Submissions (Principles 4, 10, 13 and 17) and/or from ownership or control structures (Principles 2, 5 and 16).
a. Should these additional requirements apply to Submitters and Administrators of all Submission-based Benchmarks or Benchmarks with the specified ownership/control structures?