1. Compliance and reporting obligations (paras. 1-4) |
Status of these guidelines (paras. 1-2) |
Reporting requirements (paras. 3-4) |
2. Subject matter, scope and definitions (paras. 5-9) |
Subject matter and scope of application (paras. 5-7) |
Addressees (para. 8) |
Definitions/taxonomy (para. 9) |
3. Implementation (paras. 10-11) |
Date of application (para. 10) |
Repeal (para. 11) |
4. Institutions' stress testing (paras. 12-199) |
4.1 Stress testing programme (paras. 12-22) |
4.2 Governance aspects of stress testing (paras. 23-32) |
4.3 Data infrastructure (paras. 33-46) |
4.4 Stress testing scope and coverage (paras. 47-55) |
4.5 Proportionality (paras. 56-58) |
4.6 Stress testing types (paras. 59-101) |
4.7 Individual risk areas (paras. 102-186) |
4.8 Application of stress testing programmes (paras. 187-199) |