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Version date: 14 October 2021 - onwards
Version 9 of 9

3 Market risk

3.1 This chapter sets out the methodology the PRA uses to inform the setting of a firm’s Pillar 2A capital requirement for market risk.

Definition and scope of application

3.2 Market risk is the risk of losses resulting from adverse changes in the value of positions arising from movements in market prices across commodity, credit, equity, FX and interest rates risk factors.

3.3 The Pillar 2A approach to market risk applies to all firms and covers all positions in the trading and fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI) books, including securitisation instruments/positions and covered bonds booked in the trading and FVOCI books.

3.4 The PRA’s review of a firm’s risks and risk management standards applies equally to positions covered by approved models or standardised approaches and, as such, is relevant to firms both with and without advanced model approval. In practice, however, the PRA expects the Pillar 2A regime for market risk to affect mainly firms with material trading books, which are typically those firms with advanced market risk model permission.

3.5 Where the underestimation of Pillar 1 capital is due to deficiencies of advanced models, the PRA addresses the capital shortfall by requiring the firm to remediate the shortcomings of the Pillar 1 model rather than setting Pillar 2A capital requirements.

Methodology for assessing Pillar 2A capital for market risk