Article 3 Common parameters for the methodology
1. The Prudential Regulation Authority shall identify a sample of institutions or groups whose indicator values are to be used as reference values representing the global banking sector for the purpose of calculating the scores, taking into account internationally agreed standards, in particular the sample used by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision for the identification of global systemically important banks.
The sample shall consist of relevant entities and banks authorised in third countries and comprise the 75 largest of them, based on the total exposure as defined in Article 6(1), as well as relevant entities that were designated as G-SIIs and banks in third countries that were designated as global systemically important in the previous year.
The Prudential Regulation Authority shall exclude or add relevant entities or banks authorised in third countries, if and to the extent necessary to ensure an adequate reference system for assessing systemic significance reflecting the global financial markets and the global economy, taking into account internationally agreed standards including the sample used by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.
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