Table of Contents
Regulation 2015/847/EU - (FTR2) (Funds Transfer Regulation, also known as Wire Transfer Regulation (WTR2) (Assimilated Law)RecitalsChapter I Subject matter, scope and definitions (arts. 1-3)Article 1 Subject matterArticle 2 ScopeArticle 3 DefinitionsChapter II Obligations on payment service providers (arts. 4-13)Section 1 Obligations on the payment service provider of the payer (arts. 4-6)Article 4 Information accompanying transfers of fundsArticle 5 Transfers of funds within the UnionArticle 6 Transfers of funds to outside the UnionSection 2 Obligations on the payment service provider of the payee (arts. 7-9)Article 7 Detection of missing information on the payer or the payeeArticle 8 Transfers of funds with missing or incomplete information on the payer or the payeeArticle 9 Assessment and reportingSection 3 Obligations on intermediary payment service providers (arts. 10-13)Article 10 Retention of information on the payer and the payee with the transferArticle 11 Detection of missing information on the payer or the payeeArticle 12 Transfers of funds with missing information on the payer or the payeeArticle 13 Assessment and reportingChapter III Information, data protection and record-retention (arts. 14-16)Article 14 Provision of informationArticle 15 Data protectionArticle 16 Record retentionChapter IV Sanctions and monitoring (arts. 17-22)Article 17 Administrative sanctions and measuresArticle 18 Specific provisionsArticle 19 Publication of sanctions and measuresArticle 20 Application of sanctions and measures by the competent authoritiesArticle 21 Reporting of breachesArticle 22 MonitoringChapter V Implementing powers (art. 23)Article 23 Committee procedureChapter VI Derogations (arts. 24-25)Article 24 Agreements with countries and territories which do not form part of the territory of the UnionArticle 25 GuidelinesChapter VII Final Provisions (arts. 26-27)Article 26 Repeal of Regulation (EC) No 1781/2006Article 27 Entry into forceAnnex - Correlation tableDone at
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Version status: In force | Document consolidation status: Assimilated law updated to reflect all known changes
Published date: 5 June 2015