Article 1 General disclosure requirements
1. The benchmark statement shall state:
(a) the date of publication of the statement and, where applicable, the date of its last update;
(b) where available, the international securities identification number (ISIN) of the benchmark or benchmarks; alternatively, for a family of benchmarks, the statement may provide details of where the ISINs are publicly accessible free of charge;
(c) whether the benchmark, or any benchmark in the family of benchmarks, is determined using contributions of input data;
(d) whether the benchmark or any benchmark in the family of benchmarks qualifies as one of the types of benchmarks listed under Title III of Regulation (EU) 2016/1011, including the specific provision by virtue of which the benchmark qualifies as that type.
2. In defining the market or economic reality, the benchmark statement shall include at least the following information:
(a) a general description of the market or economic reality;
(b) the geographical boundaries, if any, of the market or economic reality;
(c) any other information that the administrator reasonably considers to be relevant or useful to help users or potential users of the benchmark to understand the relevant features of the market or economic reality, including at least the following elements insofar as reliable data on these elements is available: