Table of Contents
Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Consequential Provisions) Act 2019 (No. 8)Introductory TextActs Referred toPart 1 Preliminary and general (ss. 1-3)1. Short title, collective citations and construction2. Commencement3. ExpensesPart 2 Arrangements in relation to health services (s. 4)4. Arrangements in relation to health servicesPart 3 Amendment of Industrial Development Acts 1986 to 2014 (ss. 5-8)5. Definition (Part 3)6. Amendment of Act of 19867. Amendment of Industrial Development (Enterprise Ireland) Act 19988. Report on the provision of supports to maintain and grow employmentPart 4 Arrangements in relation to electricity and fluorinated greenhouse gases (ss. 9-12)Chapter 1 Amendment of Electricity Regulation Act 1999 (s. 9)9. Supplementary power to modify licence conditionsChapter 2 Qualification to carry out activity relating to fluorinated greenhouse gases (ss. 10-12)10. Interpretation11. Equivalent certification, equivalent training attestation relating to individuals12. Equivalent certification relating to companiesPart 5 Amendment of Student Support Act 2011 (ss. 13-19)13. Definition (Part 5)14. Amendment of section 2 of Act of 201115. Amendment of section 7 of Act of 201116. Amendment of section 8 of Act of 201117. Amendment of section 14 of Act of 201118. Operation of section 14 of Act of 2011 (prescribing of certain matters)19. Free Fees InitiativePart 6 Taxation (ss. 20-67)Chapter 1 Definitions (s. 20)20. Definitions (Part 6)Chapter 2 Income Tax (ss. 21-46)21. Amendment of section 42 of Act of 199722. Amendment of section 128D of Act of 199723. Amendment of section 128F of Act of 199724. Amendment of section 191 of Act of 199725. Amendment of section 192B of Act of 199726. Amendment of section 195 of Act of 199727. Amendment of section 208A of Act of 199728. Amendment of section 208B of Act of 199729. Amendment of section 244 of Act of 199730. Amendment of section 244A of Act of 199731. Amendment of section 470 of Act of 199732. Amendment of section 472B of Act of 199733. Amendment of section 472BA of Act of 199734. Amendment of section 473A of Act of 199735. Amendment of section 480A of Act of 199736. Amendment of section 489 of Act of 199737. Amendment of section 490 of Act of 199738. Amendment of section 770 of Act of 199739. Amendment of section 772 of Act of 199740. Amendment of section 772A of Act of 199741. Amendment of section 784 of Act of 199742. Amendment of section 784A of Act of 199743. Amendment of section 785(1A) of Act of 199744. Amendment of section 787M of Act of 199745. Amendment of section 790B of Act of 199746. Amendment of section 806 of Act of 1997Chapter 3 Corporation Tax (ss. 47-52)47. Amendment of section 243 of Act of 199748. Amendment of sections 410 and 411 of Act of 199749. Amendment of section 438 of Act of 199750. Amendment of section 486C of Act of 199751. Amendment of section 615 of Act of 199752. Amendment of section 766 of Act of 1997Chapter 4 Capital Gains Tax (ss. 53-54)53. Amendment of section 541C of Act of 199754. Amendment of section 604A of Act of 1997Chapter 5 Value-Added Tax (ss. 55-59)55. Amendment of section 53 of Act of 201056. Insertion of section 53A into Act of 201057. Amendment of section 56 of Act of 201058. Amendment of section 58 of Act of 201059. Amendment of section 120 of Act of 2010Chapter 6 Stamp Duties (ss. 60-65)60. Amendment of section 75 of Act of 199961. Amendment of section 75A of Act of 199962. Amendment of section 80 of Act of 199963. Amendment of section 80A of Act of 199964. Amendment of section 124B of Act of 199965. Amendment of section 125 of Act of 1999Chapter 7 Capital Acquisitions Tax (s. 66)66. Amendment of section 89 of Capital Acquisitions Tax Consolidation Act 2003Chapter 8 Excise (s. 67)67. Amendment of section 104 of Finance Act 2001Part 7 Financial Services: Settlement finality (ss. 68-71)68. Interpretation (Part 7)69. Temporary designation of relevant arrangement70. Designation of relevant arrangement71. Rules applicable to arrangement to which section 69 or 70 appliesPart 8 Financial Services: Amendment of European Union (Insurance and Reinsurance) Regulations 2015 and European Union (Insurance Distribution) Regulations 2018 (regs. 72-74)72. Interpretation (Part 8)73. Amendment of Regulations of 201574. Amendment of Regulations of 2018Part 9 Amendment of Harbours Act 1996 (ss. 75-77)75. Definition (Part 9)76. Amendment of section 72 of Act of 199677. Amendment of Sixth Schedule to Act of 1996Part 10 Third Country Bus Services (ss. 78-82)78. Definition (Part 10)79. Continuation of international carriage of passengers by road80. Amendment of Dublin Transport Authority Act 200881. Amendment of section 2 of Act of 200982. Part 2A of Act of 2009Part 11 Amendment of Social Welfare Consolidation Act 2005 (ss. 83-85)83. Definition (Part 11)84. Amendment of section 287 of Act of 200585. Consequential amendments to Act of 2005Part 12 Amendment of Protection of Employees (Employers' Insolvency) Act 1984 (ss. 86-90)86. Definition (Part 12)87. Amendment of section 1 of Act of 198488. Amendment of section 4 of Act of 198489. Amendment of section 7 of Act of 198490. Transfer of personal data in relation to employers insolvent in United KingdomPart 13 Amendment of Extradition Act 1965 (ss. 91-94)91. Definition (Part 13)92. Amendment of section 4 of Act of 196593. Irish citizens94. Amendment of section 23 of Act of 1965Part 14 Immigration (ss. 95-97)95. Amendment of Immigration Act 199996. Amendment of section 5 of Immigration Act 200397. Application for visa: taking of fingerprintsPart 15 Miscellaneous (s. 98)98. Interpretation of reference to Member State in enactments in certain circumstances
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Version status: In force | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Published date: 17 March 2019