The ESAs received 98 responses to the CP. The responses have been published on the Joint Committee website unless it was requested that the responses should be treated as confidential.
4.1 General comments
Overall stakeholders were not in favour of the ESAs proceeding with targeted amendments to the PRIIPs Delegated Regulation prior to a more comprehensive review of PRIIPs. Some of the points made in this regard were that:
• While some of the proposals were considered to have merits, overall the proposed amendments were considered to be of limited benefit and to not address the fundamental issues;
• In view of the first bullet point, the benefits of the proposals were generally not seen to outweigh the expected implementation and compliance costs;
• Various respondents commented that there was insufficient time during the shortened public consultation to fully analyse the proposals and their implications.
As stated in Section 1, the ESAs took into account this feedback when consi