Table of Contents
Document Overview
First Schedule Amendments Consequential on Changes in Personal Reliefs
1. The Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended in accordance with the following provisions:
(a) in section 138 (inserted by the Finance Act, 1980) -
(i) in paragraph (a) (inserted by the Finance Act, 1996), by the substitution of "£5,800" for "£5,300",
(ii) in paragraph (b) (as amended by the Finance Act, 1988), by the substitution of "£3,400" and "£5,800", respectively, for "£3,150" and "£5,300" (inserted by the Finance Act, 1996), and
(iii) in paragraph (c), by the substitution of "£2,900" for "£2,650" (inserted by the Finance Act, 1996),
(b) in subsection (2) of section 138A (inserted by the Finance Act, 1985), by the substitution of "£2,400" and "£2,900", respectively, for "£2,150" and "£2,650" (inserted by the Finance Act, 1996).
2. Section 8 of the Finance Act, 1974, is hereby amended, in subsection (1), by the substitution of "£800" for "£400" (inserted by the Finance Act, 1986) and of "£400" for "£200" (inserted by the Finance Act, 1986).