Date-stamp loading
Version status: Repealed | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 15 December 1999 - onwards
  Version 4 of 4    

18. Licensed person in possession of forged stamps to be presumed guilty until contrary is shown.

Repealed from 15 December 1999

(1) If any forged stamps are found in the possession of any person appointed to sell and distribute stamps, or being or having been licensed to deal in stamps, that person shall be deemed and taken, unless the contrary is satisfactorily proved, to have had the same in his possession knowing them to be forced, and with intent to sell, use, or utter them, and shall be liable to the punishment imposed by law upon a person selling, using, uttering, or having in possession forged stamps knowing the same to be forged.

(2) If the Commissioners have cause to suspect any such person of having in his possession any forged stamps, they may by warrant under their hands authorise any person to enter between the hours of nine in the morning and seven in the evening into any house, room, shop, or building of or belonging to the suspected person, and if on demand of admittance, and notice of the warrant, the door of the house, room, shop, or building, or any inner door thereof, is not opened, the

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