5. Requirements to be complied with for consent by issuer to migration: special resolution
(1) The special resolution referred to in section 4(1) is a special resolution that approves of the participating issuer giving its consent to the migration, in accordance with this Act, of the relevant participating securities in the participating issuer and which satisfies subsection (2).
(2) The following applies as respects the terms of the foregoing special resolution, so far as they relate to the migration to which the resolution refers, namely, the migration shall be expressed to be a migration of the relevant participating securities to a central securities depository specified in the resolution, and there shall be stated in the resolution -
(a) the name of the Member State in which that central securities depository is authorised, and
(b) if, as referred to in section 3(2)(a), the title to the relevant participating securities will become and be vested in a body nominated by that central securities depository, the fact that the title will become so vested and the name of the body concerned,
and subsections (3) to (6) supplement this subsection.