SS11/13 - Internal Ratings Based (IRB) approaches (effective from 1 January 2022)
Update 20 October 2021
Published on 20 October 2021. Effective from 1 January 2022. (This SS was updated on 14 May 2020, 7 June 2021, 6 July 2021, and 20 October 2021 to incorporate those changes).
This Supervisory Statement (SS) was updated following PS12/20 ‘Responses to Occasional Consultation Paper 25/19 – Chapter 5: Retirement interest-only mortgages’, PS11/20 ‘Credit risk: Probability of Default and Loss Given Default estimation’, PS16/21 ‘Internal Rating Based UK mortgage risk weights: Managing deficiencies in model risk capture’, and PS23/21 ‘Credit risk: The identification of the nature, severity, and duration of an economic downturn for the purposes of Internal Ratings Based (IRB) models’.