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Version date: 26 February 2020 - onwards

Differences from SFAS 131 (para. BC60)

BC60 In developing the IFRS, the Board included the following differences from SFAS 131:

(a) The FASB Guidance on Applying Statement 131 indicates that the FASB staff believe that 'long‑lived assets', as that phrase is used in paragraph 38 of SFAS 131, implies hard assets that cannot be readily removed, which would appear to exclude intangibles. Non‑current assets in the IFRS include intangibles (see paragraphs BC56 and BC57).

(b) SFAS 131 does not require disclosure of a measure of segment liabilities. The IFRS requires disclosure of segment liabilities if such a measure is regularly provided to the chief operating decision maker (see paragraphs BC36–BC38).

(c) SFAS 131 requires an entity with a matrix form of organisation to determine operating segments based on products and services. The IFRS requires such an entity to determine operating segments by reference to the core principle of the IFRS (see paragraph BC27).